How do I download a title to my eReader? (Sony, Nook)


You can download enki eBooks to your computer and transfer them to your Sony Reader or Nook.

Install software:

Nook: Install Adobe Digital Editions to transfer eBooks to your device. You will also need to authorize your computer and your Reader with an Adobe ID.

Sony: Install the Sony Reader software

Borrow eBooks

  • Browse the catalog at for a title you want to read.
  • When you find a title you want to download, click on the "Checkout" button below the book jacket image.
  • Log in with your library card and PIN if prompted. (For libraries that use last name to log into accounts, please type your last name instead of PIN)
  • A message will popup to say you have successfully checked out the item. Close this window.
  • Click on the MY ACCOUNT button.
  • Click on the "eBooks" link on left menu under "Checked Out".
  • Plug in your USB cable to your eReader and computer, click "download" and select "open with" Adobe Digital Editions or Reader for PC if you are using Sony

If you need more help or technical support, please post your question on this site!

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 3398
  • Answered By Virtual Library

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