How do I change, add or edit the bookjacket tabs on the homepage? (e.g. Available Now)
Library administrators can add or rearrange the bookjacket tabs on their own Library's homepage.
The enki Library administrator for your Library can add to - remove - or re-order the bookjacket displays - called Widgets -on your Library's enki Library homepage.
Login to your enki Library admin account:
- Login to your ??? site with you enki Library administrator card
- Select "My Account"
- Select "List Widgets" from the left menu
- Select "Edit" (under Actions) next to your Library's widget name
To Re-Order the Tabs:
- Select and Hold the vertical up-down arrow under "Sort" next to the Tab Name you want to move; drag the entry to its new place in the list; save changes.
To Remove a Tab:
- Select the red circle
next the the tab you want to delete; select OK when prompted to delete the tab; save changes.
To Add a New Tab (Create a Widget):
- Do a search from your enki Library homepage. This search should include any search terms and filters that yield the results you're looking for.
- When you have the results you want, sorted as you want them, scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Create Widget"
- A dialog box will appear asking for you to select your Library's widget page name from the drop-down; and to add the New Widget Name for the search you created
- Select "Create Widget" when done
- Select "Edit" to re-order or re-name tabs in your widget
- Make the changes you'd like and Save.
Go to your enki Library homepage to see your changes: